21.01 -
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Multiculturalism is Important to know
an archipelagic country, Indonesia has wide range or cultures. Because of the
difference that, Indonesia has the motto “Unity in Diversity” which means
“difference but still one”. Not only limited to Indonesia as a developing
country that has a variety of cultures. Developed countries also have it. The
many differences in each country convince us the importance of cultural
differences or commontly referred to as multiculturalism. Spesifically, the
meaning of multiculturalism is an ideology that recognizes and glorifies
differences in equality, both individually and culturally (Fay 1996; Jary and
Jary 1991; Watson 2000).
of multiculturalism in the United States begun on the conflict between the
majority (white skin) to minorities (black skin) in 1950. In 1960, minorities
have been able to get their rights thanks to his efforts. In 1970 suffered a
variety of related problems because of cultural differences. Finally all the
problems can be solved through multicultural education in various educational
institutions. Multiculturalism in United States has been so visible because it
established the federal level. Multiculturalism is not only formed because of
the diversity of cultures that exist. But also emphasized the diversity in
equality. Freedom is on hold in full in United States both freedom or religion,
opinion, freedom of dress, even sexsual freedom. This is very contrary to the
nation of Indonesia.
was established on diversity will not quite know the full meaning of
multiculturalism. Indonesia very understand about religious tolerance and
freedom of opinion. In fact, every culture and customs is recognized by all
citizens of Indonesia. But once again that the meaning of multiculuralism in
Indonesia is not emphasized on equality s much noise and various conflicts
coused by differences in race, class, even religion.
violence occurs due to differences make my heart to do something. No
distinction should be resolved with violence. It is undeniable that there are
definitely differences in life the culture of Indonesia and United States also
have differences and those differences could be learning and input without
changing the identity of the nation. Small activities such as multicultural
education must be applied at an early age to make people aware of the
importance of multiculturalism. This education can be given to students of
primary school, secondary, and college. Multiculturalism education should
always be given every education level. Remember that the concept of
multicuturalism cann’t be equated with the concept of the ethnic or cutural
diversity that characterize ethnic prular society, because multiculturaism
emphasizes cultural diversity in equaity.
B. 1996. Contemporary Philosophy of Social Science: A Multicultural Approach.
Oxford: Blackwell.
D. dan J. Jary. 1991. ‘Multiculturalism’, Dictionary of Sociology. New
York: Harper. Hlm.319.
C.W. 2000. Multiculturalism. Buckingham-Philadelphia: Open University
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